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Residencia "Santiago" (Valladolid)

Category: Coed/Mixed Residence hall
Rent: From 500 € / month



c/Muro nº 9
47004 Valladolid, Valladolid

Admission Period

Durante todo el curso, mientras existan plazas.

Admission requirements

Mediante Acuerdo de Colaboración con la Universidad de Valladolid se debe contactar con la Residencia para realizar los trámites oportunos.

Closing dates

De 30 junio a 3 de septiembre


Parking, Library, Chapel, Kitchen, Dining hall, Gym, Lawn and/or garden, Self-service laundry machines, Vending machines, Sports fields/courts, Arquitecture/Drawing room, Movie hall, Conference room, Study lounge, Game room, Computer room, Meeting room, TV Room, Auditorium


Internet in student rooms (WiFi and/or ethernet), Room-cleaning service (daily), 24 hour receptionist, 24 hour security guard, Laundry service, Towel and bed linens/sheets service, WiFi in common areas

Meal plans

Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Public Transport




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Residencia "Santiago"
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